Million Dollar Teacher Project

A nonprofit organization

Elevate the teaching profession through increased recognition, compensation and support.



Rebecca Kepner Testimonial - 3rd grade teacher at Granada West School

Mr. Hopkins,
I wanted to take a moment to thank you and your project for all that you continue to do, not only for myself and my classroom, but for the teaching profession as a whole. This year I have truly enjoyed the challenge of having so much support in my room. I believe that it has pushed me to challenge myself and what I want for my students. Thank you for this incredible opportunity!

Bailey Shaw Testimonial - Teaching Assistant Intern - Classroom Support Team

I love working with the teachers through MDTP! It's amazing to see how much of a difference a little bit of help in the classroom can make! Thank you so much for this!


Monica Baird Testimonial- Teacher for Special Ed Children at Granada East Elementary School

This experience has been beneficial for lots of reason. It allowed me to continue to love what I do, took a lot off my plate regarding data analysis, grading papers and having to manage a class of 20 students alone. This program gave me more free time to do things I enjoy about teaching, like spending time with my kids, creating lessons plans, starting business and spending time with family. I actually took a vacation this summer and it was a stress free vacation. The school year was wrapped up with a pretty little bow May 22nd and I could just walk away for the summer.

When Lloyd came with TTL, you don't necessarily get to see the people you work with all the time, get to interact with the people you work with in a relaxed environment. The event was fun and interacting with created a chance to interact with co-workers on a different level.

Partnering with MDTP made it easier to mentor teachers on my campus (which was put on my plate last school year in addition to me managing a class). Working with MDTP allowed us to live the life people "think" we live as teachers. So many things the public doesn't recognize we do as teachers and I am thankful for the work of MDTP.
September 2018

Maria Madrigal Testimonial: Teacher at Granada East Elementary
MDTP has changed my life this past year. It has been my best teaching year it's the first year I didn't want to quit it has given me the ability to really focus on specific students I know that I had the best parent communication this year I was able to trust others with the learning of my students personally, I had a personal and social life, able to hang out with friends without worrying about lesson planning grading paper or other things that needed to be done. It was a stress free years. Led two school clubs stress free

Changed my life I'm happier now. I trained and completed first half marathon and Ragnar this year to do two before would have been impossible I felt at ease leaving for my races my assistants and tech person are capable continuing teaching strategies that I implemented. Can go for runs with my dogs now and that makes me happy I've been more social I truly am happier spent more time with my family
August 2018

Lucy Primiano
An alumnus of ASU, Lloyd both embraces and employs the values of a true Sun Devil
through his inclusive and supportive work environment, as well as through his
innovative strategies and solutions. Before interning directly with the MDTP, I was
working to improve the Take a Teacher to Lunch program as part of a group project for
a class on design thinking. Since then, I have had the rare opportunity of pitching ideas
and actually getting to make them a reality. Plus, all of my fellow coworkers have helped
me develop a solid versatile set of skills that I can take with me anywhere, including
quick decision-making, conflict resolution, public speaking, assertiveness, and time
A moment that really resonates with me and highlights the impact being made by the
MDTP was at the Last Supper of Summer (LSOS). The concept started off pretty
simple, something along the lines of a voucher/coupon system, and then it was almost
an indoor Carnival-esque event before turning into a more refined dinner celebration.
Liz and I spent a majority of the summer planning LSOS, and to finally see it come
together made me realize that the MDTP isn't just elevating the teaching profession-
they're elevating our overall community relationships and channels of communication.
The main focus is to provide the resources and recognition our educators need, which
in turn promotes a greater sense of belongingness and unity for other stakeholders as

August 2018

Rachel Spencer: Intern an MDTP
The Million Dollar Teacher Project is the beginning of a movement. Despite being small, startup nonprofit, the MDTP knows what their work is and does it well. Their programs are focused and truly created for teachers...

Organization Data


Organization name

Million Dollar Teacher Project

Tax id (EIN)



3522 E Flower Street


602 577 0401

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