Cancer Support Community

A nonprofit organization

The Cancer Support Community is a global nonprofit that provides free support and navigation services for patients and their loved ones. MyLifeLine, the Cancer Support Community's online platform specifically created for cancer patients and caregivers, is based in Denver, CO - CSC's Digital Hub.


"With family and friends around the world, being able to communicate with them about my treatments and progress was something I was worried about when I was first diagnosed. However, MyLifeLine allowed me to stay in touch with loved ones without the stress of having to make phone calls or
reply to emails. With the click of a button, I could update everyone. I also loved being able to share photos and videos to help everyone feel like they were with me every step even though many were thousands of miles away. I'm truly grateful for MyLifeLine, and I know my loved ones are too.
~ Sharishta, diagnosed at age 25 with Breast Cancer

"MyLifeLine was a lifeline for me during my journey; it was my connection to the world, my connection to my own self, and a place where I could be encouraged by others. I am still using the site and will always want it and continue to share my story. Every time someone asks me about my scars I tell them a brief version of events, and I hand them the web address for my site on"
~ Paige, Squamous Cell Carcinoma

"[MyLifeLine] is a great way to disseminate information to a lot of people who are interested. Some people don't want to bother you, but they want to know. Other people want to know, but don't want to ask. One of the cool comments we got in the beginning was: 'This is going to be a long road for you guys, but it's not going to be a lonely one' … and it hasn't been."
~ The Cronk Family and their son Brayden, diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at age 8

" is now the way my friends and family can check my treatment calendar, get the latest on my health, and generally read about the overall status of how I am doing. Because they get an email each time I create a new entry, we are more able to stay connected. In addition, newer friends can read about my story without the burden of trying to figure out how to react.
~ Jennifer, diagnosed at age 32 with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Organization Data


Organization name

Cancer Support Community

Tax id (EIN)



1355 S. Colorado Boulevard Building C-601
Denver, CO 80222



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